Tuesday 26 April 2011


Speciation is the formation of a new species where a new biological species arise's.
- Can be created when a population of individuals are reproductively isolated


Allopatric speciation is speciation by reproductive isolation. Theres a three-step process:
1) A physical barrier seperates a single interbreeding population into two or more groups that are isolated from eachother

2) Natural selection works on the seperated groups independantly, resulting in inherited differences in the two populations

3) In time accumulated physical and behavioral differences between the populations become so pronounced that the group would no longer be able to be sexually capable should be be reunited

The Theroy of Gradualism is the idea that speciation takes place slowly and at a stedy pace.

The theroy of punctuated equilibrium is the idea that species evolve rappidly by a peroiod of little or no change.

Divergent evolution is when a species rapidly evolves into many different species during the Cambrian peroid.

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